Why Roasted Veggies Have Become So Trendy

Roasted vegetables
Photo by Christina Rumpf on Unsplash

A dish of roasted veggies is one of the trendiest things you can make nowadays. There’s nothing quite like the reaction you get when you’re hosting a dinner party and someone brings out the roasted veggies. There’s always a sigh of relief, followed by at least one person saying that they can’t wait to try it. But why are roasted veggies so trendy in this day and age?

Health Conscious Generation

There was once a time when parents struggled to serve their children vegetables. Some say it’s because veggies simply aren’t tasty—but perhaps a larger part of it is that parents—and society as a whole—aren’t promoting veggies as a “fun” food to eat.

But these days, the world has become increasingly health conscious—up to the point where eating vegetables is now considered cool. Yes, we want others to know when we’re chomping on some leafy greens. We want the credit. And we want to feel good about ourselves too.

With a Twist

So when you pair the newfound cultural desire to eat veggies with the advent of roasting them, you have yourself some culinary dynamite. Not only are the veggies healthy, but roasting them and adding various herbs and spices makes them even tastier—and you aren’t even lying about it this time.