Want to Improve Instant Oatmeal? Here’s How to Do It

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

Instant oatmeal is super convenient. It’s painfully simple to make and gets you a filling and healthy breakfast in a matter of minutes. The taste part of it, however, is usually disappointing.

One way to have better-tasting oatmeal is to make it from scratch, but not everybody got time for that. The other way is to improve the instant oatmeal, keeping the convenience part but getting a more satisfying meal. Here are some ways you can do this.

Make it With Milk

The instructions may call for water, but there is no law that says you can’t use milk instead. Instant oatmeal will taste significantly better even if you just swap water for milk without doing anything else. If you want to steer away from dairy products, almond or soy milk will work as well.

Add Fresh Fruit

You might get some dried fruit in the instant oatmeal package, but we doubt that’s the way you want to live your life. Keep the dried fruit in if you want but make sure to add some real fruit, like apples, bananas, or berries, which will significantly elevate oatmeal’s flavor profile.

Spice it Up

Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and even pumpkin spice can do wonders for your instant oatmeal. They are a great choice if you are in a hurry and don’t have time to try other options.

Sweet it Up

Sweet stuff takes away the healthy part of instant oatmeal, but they bring everything else. A handful of chocolate chips or some honey in your oatmeal will make you come back for another bowl.