Try Out This Nutritious Baked Potato Dish for Lunch

Baked potato
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

If you find yourself getting tired in the afternoon, you need to try eating this baked potato tuna dish for lunch. Not only is it delicious, but it’s packed full of crucial nutrients that will keep you performing at your best all day long. Here’s what you need to know.

Cook the Potato

For quick results, pierce a baked potato all over and cook it in the microwave on full power for around five minutes. After seven minutes, turn it around and cook for a further five to seven minutes, or until soft in the middle. Then, move into the oven and bake at 415 F for a further 10 minutes. This is to make the skin all nice and crispy.

Prepare the Tuna

The best tuna for this dish is canned in sunflower or olive oil. Pour the contents of the can into a bowl and mix with a couple of dollops of mayonnaise until it is all combined.

Serve With Salad

When the potato skin is crispy, serve with butter in the middle to fluff up the potato. Then, add the tuna mix and serve with fresh cucumber, tomato, and lettuce.


Besides filling you up and tasting great, this meal is high in slow-release carbohydrates, protein, omega-3, and all sorts of minerals. This gives your body and your brain what they need to perform at their best.