Top Tips for Home Food Photography

Photo by Tiago Ogris on Unsplash

Love cooking and baking and want to share your creations with the world? Here are some top tips for photographing your culinary creations at home and filling your feed with amazing images.

Get the Lighting Right

A flashy, overly-exposed photo won’t show off your food to its best advantage. Light from the side, not the front, and watch out for dark shadows. Use natural, diffused light where possible, meaning you should aim to take your food photos in the day time. If your evening meal is simply begging to be recorded, use soft lighting and edit your photos to adjust the exposure.

Set the Scene

Make sure there are no unintentional ingredients or mess in the background of your photo to distract from your food. However, feel free to artfully arrange ‘props’ that relate to the food around your main photography subject. Choose neutral-colored, natural materials as your background such as wood, marble or a linen tablecloth.

Follow Food Photographers for Inspiration

To really take your food photography to the next level, fill your Instagram feed with beautiful images of food so that you constantly feel inspired. Food photography is an art and you can learn a lot from the pros!