Top 3 Tips for Making the Most Delicious Potato Leek Soup

Potato leek soup
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Potato leek soup is a timeless classic and you don’t have to be a pro to make it. But you might need a little bit of help on your first try. These useful tips will make your potato leek soup extra healthy and delicious while giving it the creamiest texture and ultimate flavor boost.

Potato Choice

Potatoes are one of the main ingredients used in your soup, so it’s important to pick the right ones. You need potatoes that will purée well to achieve the soup’s creamy texture. Yukon gold or Russet potatoes are the best choices while red-skinned waxy potatoes are best avoided.

Leek Prep

Leeks are usually covered with dirt because they’re grown underground, so it’s important to clean them properly. After getting rid of rough leaves and roots, you should slice your leeks lengthwise and rinse them under running water before you keep slicing them into desired shapes.

Proper Storage

If you’re not planning to eat all of your potato leek soup right away, it’s important to store it properly. It can be refrigerated for up to four days, but you can also freeze it for longer. Just make sure to properly purée the soup if there are any potato chunks left because they’ll be grainy once defrosted.