Sometimes a Shortcut is Worth It, But Sometimes Not

Image by Achim Thiemermann from Pixabay

Whether you’re someone who doesn’t love to cook, or someone who does but doesn’t have the time, there are tons of shortcuts that can make your life easier.

However, some are more efficient and cost efficient than others, so go for the best shortcuts you can.

Food Processor

This machine is not just great for making everything from hummus to pie crusts, it can also replace your need for a knife! Although the cuts won’t be even, you can throw in zucchini, onions, garlic, or whatever you need to be chopped into the food processor for easy prep.

Pre-Cut Produce

Although this might seem like the easier option, it’s almost always more expensive for no reason. Things like mushrooms and carrots should never be bought pre-cut, since mushrooms slice really easily or can be put into the food processor, as for carrots — if you want carrot sticks, just go ahead and buy the baby carrots instead.

Rotisserie Chicken

Although you shouldn’t do this often since it isn’t too healthy, buying a rotisserie chicken is a great way to hack your way to chicken salads, easy tacos, and more. The best thing to do with a rotisserie chicken is to buy it at the beginning of the week and try to make it last all week long, so you don’t have to prep any other protein for the week!