Silicone Vs. Stainless Steel Whisks—What’s the Better Choice?

Whisks for baking
Photo by Pablo Lancaster Jones on Unsplash

If you’re a huge fan of baking, a whisk is probably one of your favorite kitchen tools. This cooking utensil is incredibly versatile and it can be made in many shapes and sizes, with several different materials. Silicone and stainless steel are two of the most popular options, but which one is the better pick?

Stainless Steel

Like other kitchen tools made from stainless steel, this type of whisk usually comes with a higher price tag, but it’s worth the investment. They’re the most durable model on the market, and it’s usually safe to wash them in the dishwasher.

Unfortunately, they usually come with one major downside—your stainless steel whisk could scratch non-stick cookware and that’s why it’s sometimes best avoided.


Silicone whisks come with a lower price tag than the ones made from stainless steel, and that’s not their only pro. They can also reduce the threat of scratching surfaces, so it’s much safer to use them.

The downside of silicone whisks is that they’re less powerful than a metal one, so you may need more energy to use them. This is a small price to pay because they’ll give your batter and other mixes and airy and fluffy texture that you’re aiming for.