Should You Put Water or Milk in Your Oatmeal?

Photo by Margarita Zueva on Unsplash

There’s nothing quite as delicious and tasty as a nice, steaming bowl of oatmeal in the morning. There are so many different ways to make oatmeal, from slicing up fruit and throwing them in there to getting all sweet with it and sprinkling cinnamon sugar on the whole thing. But whichever way you choose to go, chances are you’ll have to make this choice: water or milk? Your oatmeal needs a base and here’s your guide for this major decision.


If you’re looking to have some fun with it, milk might be the right choice. It’ll give you a creamier texture and the overall feel will be fluffier as well. Ultimately, there will also be a lot more taste in your oatmeal because milk has a heck of a lot more taste than water.


However, there are many reasons to go with water instead of milk. We mentioned how oatmeal with milk has more taste—well hey, that might be the very reason to avoid it. Sometimes we want oatmeal precisely for its blandness and lack of taste. Not to mention the fact that if your stomach has anything that resembles an intolerance to lactose, water is probably the right way to go.