How to Properly Clean Your Pastry Brush

Pastry brushes are used to spread butter, oil, or glaze on your food, so it goes without saying they won’t be clean after this process. The tricky part about this kitchen tool is that they’re difficult to clean up, but here’s a couple of tips you can use to wash them properly.

Act Quickly

Don’t wait until you’re done preparing your meal to wash your pastry brush. The sooner you do it the better, but if you happen to be extremely busy, at least make sure to soak them in hot water to stop liquid ingredients from hardening.

Gentle Wash

Most people swear by their dishwasher when it comes to cleaning up their pastry brushes, but if you don’t have one, make sure to wash yours gently and thoroughly. Pay extra close attention to the base of your brush to prevent grease from pilling up.

Get a Different Brush

Some pastry brushes are better than others. If you’re struggling to wash yours properly, it’s probably time to let it go. Silicone brushes are an extremely popular option because they’re easy to wash and you don’t have to worry about stray bristles ending up in your food.