How Long Does it Take for Hot Dogs to Go Bad? Well, It Depends

Hot dogs
Photo by Ball Park Brand on Unsplash

Most people go through their hot dog supplies quickly and never need to wonder how long it takes for them to go bad. But if you enjoy hot dogs only occasionally and have a packet sitting in your fridge for a while, we bet you would like to know this info.

Well, as the title say, it depends. Various factors determine how long they remain safe to eat, including whether the package is unopened or open, whether the hot dogs are cooked or raw, and more.

Unopened vs. Open Hot Dog Package

If you store an unopened and sealed hot dog package in the fridge, it will remain good at least until its “best by” date. If you open the package, then the hot dogs will be good for one more week. Also, if you freeze hot dogs, you can add two more months to their expiry date.

Raw vs. Cooked Hot Dogs

Cooked hot dogs don’t have to be consumed right away, but they don’t have a long shelf life. If you store them in the fridge, you are looking at max four days before they spoil.

Fridge vs. Room Temperature

Hot dogs can’t survive long at room temperature. If they have been out for more than two hours, it is best to throw them away.