How Can You Store Donuts So They Stay Fresher Longer?

Photo by Kobby Mendez on Unsplash

There’s nothing more delicious than eating a fresh, hot donut. But what happens when you buy a dozen and end up having some leftover? Unfortunately, donuts go stale really quickly and when they do, they don’t taste nearly as good. Here’s how to keep donuts fresher longer, so you don’t have to waste any more of the tasty dessert.

How to Store Donuts Overnight

The key to stretching out fresh donuts’ shelf life is to let them cool before you store them. Once they’ve cooled to room temperature, place them in a storage container. Frosted ones should be placed in a single layer to prevent them from sticking together. Most donuts can be stored in the cupboard, but dairy-based cream-filled ones should be kept in the fridge.

Can You Freeze Them?

Donuts can be frozen for up to three months. Place them in a large freezer bag and separate the layers with wax paper so they don’t freeze together. Make sure you remove any air from the bag.

What If Your Donuts are Stale?

If your donut is hard and stale don’t sweat it—just put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds so it can get soft again.