Here’s Why You Need a Tiny Pot in Your Kitchen

Why you should buy a tiny pot
Photo by Cooker King on Unsplash

Pots come in many different sizes, from tiny ones that seem almost useless to huge ones that can fit a lot of food. If you have a tiny pot or you’ve been wondering if you should get one, here are some ways you can use it. Once you get used to it, it will become an essential item in your kitchen!

Warm Pancake Syrup

Your breakfast pancakes will be much more delicious if you heat up the syrup before serving them. In case you don’t have a microwave, a small pot is all you need to heat up the desired amount on the stovetop in no time. You can even add some butter to melt together with the syrup to make the perfect pancake sauce.

Heat Leftovers

There are so many dishes that make great leftovers but require heating, and a tiny pot can be perfect for meals for one. Reheat the right amount of soup or stew in minutes!

Reheat Coffee

There’s no need to suffer through a cup of coffee that got cold after you forgot about it when you have a tiny pot. Simply pour the coffee in it and reheat it on the stovetop, and you’ll be able to enjoy your beverage that’s as good as new.