Follow These Pickling Tips to Make Your Next Jar of Pickles a Success

Pickled vegetables
Photo by Kim Daniels on Unsplash

People who really like pickles often argue that homemade pickles are way better than the store-bought version. But pickling is not as easy as it seems and often a single mistake can ruin the entire batch. If you don’t want to be in this situation, check out some of the pickling tips that will make your next jar of pickles a sure success.

Pick the Best Veggie

Whether you’re pickling cucumbers, onions, or any other veggies, you should look to get them fresh. Sourcing your vegetables from the markets is often the best idea as the chances are you’ll get a much better product compared to a grocery store.

Pickle Everything Separately

If you are pickling more than one vegetable, don’t get lazy and throw them all together in a single jar. Instead, pickle everything separately as all veggies don’t pickle equally or need the same amount of time.

Be Precise with the Brine

You have to have great brine for great pickling. So make sure to be precise with your brine when it comes to ingredients. This means the right ratio of water and vinegar, enough salt, and no sugar.

Be Patient

The pickling process can sometimes take weeks before your pickles are just right. So don’t be eager to eat them after just a few days and be patient until they are just right.