Common Knife Mistakes You Should Never Make

Knife mistakes you should avoid
Photo by iBecome Communication on Unsplash

Knives are an essential kitchen tool we all use on a daily basis, which is why it’s important to learn how to use and care for them properly. Here are a few common knife mistakes we all make that should be avoided.

Putting Knives in the Dishwasher

This is a common mistake we’ve all made at least once and it should definitely be avoided. Washing your knives in the dishwasher can damage the blades, but it can also damage your dishwasher so it’s always best to wash them by hand.

Holding The Knife Incorrectly

Learning how to hold knives correctly and position your hands is a basic kitchen skill every cooking enthusiast should master. Holding your knife incorrectly can lead to injuries so it’s important to avoid this mistake.

Using Dull Knives

Dull knives are not only useless, they can also be very dangerous, which is why it’s important to keep them sharp.

Not Using a Cutting Board

Cutting boards are there for a reason, so make sure to always use them for cutting food. Cutting on your countertop or any other hard surface can dull or even damage knife blades.