Best Ways to Put a Healthy Twist on Eggnog This Holiday Season

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Eggnog is one of the most festive drinks associated with the holiday season, usually made with milk, cream, sugar, and whipped eggs. This list of ingredients makes it pretty clear that eggnog isn’t one of the healthiest beverages on the market, but there are ways to make it a little bit better.

Added Sugars

Sugar may be one of the main eggnog ingredients, but you can make your beverage healthier without it. If you feel that your eggnog isn’t sweet enough this way, you can opt for healthier sugar alternatives, such as stevia, Splenda, and natural sweeteners.

Plant-Based Milk

Replacing dairy milk with plant-based alternatives, such as nut or soy milk, is also a great way to make it healthier because they tend to be lower in calories and saturated fat.

Less Alcohol

Brandy, rum, whisky, or bourbon are often added to eggnog, but if you’re trying to cut down on alcohol, ditching them or limiting the amount you’re using is always an option.

Egg Problem

The biggest problem with eggnog is that it’s made with raw eggs, and they can be a safety hazard. That’s why it’s recommended to use pasteurized liquid eggs or pre-cooking your egg mixture when making eggnog.