Best Methods for Organizing Your Spice Collection

Photo by Luba Ertel on Unsplash

One of the best ways to take most recipes to the next level is to add some delicious spices to the mix. If you live by this rule, your spice collection is probably pretty impressive … but what if it also happens to be pretty messy? There are several effective methods for organizing your spice collection, and here are some of the very best.

Rotating Spice Organizer

Rotating spice organizers are all the rage these days because they offer easy access to your favorite spices. Their small and compact size can also save you a lot of counter space.

Tiered Shelves

Tiny tiered shelves can also help you keep your spice collection neat and well-organized. You’ll be able to see all your spices at a glance this way, and you won’t have to struggle to look for them.

Drawer Organizer

If your counter space is extremely limited and keeping your spices there is not an option, putting them inside a drawer is your best bet. Make sure to mark them properly so you know what you’re looking for as soon as you open the drawer.

Kitchen Counter Storage

Most people store their spices on their kitchen counter, but you should look for other options whenever possible because they could go bad faster because of all the warmth.