Avoid These Common Mistakes to Cook the Best Salmon

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Salmon is the fish of choice for many people due to its delicate buttery taste and impressive nutritional benefits. However, making it is far from a walk in the park. In order to cook the best salmon, it is not just enough to execute the recipe. You also need to avoid making the following mistakes.

Being Cheap

You can’t expect to get great results with poor-quality material. There is a huge difference between fresh and frozen fish, and you’ll get the former if you really want to cook the best salmon.

Getting Rid of the Skin

Your first instinct might be to remove the skin of the salmon but resist this urge. It will serve as a safety blanket for the flesh, keeping it from high heat and allowing it to cook evenly. If you don’t like the taste of the skin, you can always remove it after cooking.

Meddling With Salmon During Cooking

You should avoid touching salmon too much or moving it around while it cooks. If you do, it will most likely fall apart and result in a disappointing dinner. Instead, let the heat do its thing and only flip it once when it’s halfway through the cooking process.

Overcooking Salmon

The most common way people ruin salmon is by overcooking it. The salmon flesh is delicate and requires constant attention and precision. If you leave it on the heat for too long, it will become rubbery and devoid of any flavor.