Always Have a Refreshing Drink Ready With This Freezer Door Gimlet Martini

Freezer door cocktails have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are essentially any cocktail that is made in a batch and has a high enough alcohol content to be stored in the freezer without turning into ice.

Freezer door cocktails ensure you always have a refreshing drink waiting for you without having to go through the hassle of making one from scratch every time.

If you want to try it yourself, mixologist and influencer @servedbysammy recently shared a great video in which he detailed how to make a freezer-door gimlet martini. So let’s check it out.

How to Make a Freezer Door Gimlet Martini

In order to make a freezer door gimlet martini, @servedbysammy uses a 25 oz reusable glass bottle. He starts by pouring 2 cups of gin into the bottle but notes that you can also use vodka.

Next, he adds 5 oz of fresh lime juice and 5 oz of rich simple syrup. You can easily make the syrup at home by combining two parts of white sugar and one part of water.

All that’s left to do is to give the cocktail a good shake to combine, and you can keep it in your freezer for up to six months.