5 Vegetables You Should Never Keep in a Freezer

Stuffing certain vegetables in a freezer is a great way to keep them fresh, but it doesn’t always work. Some foods will only be ruined if you decide to freeze them, including these five vegetables.


Putting potatoes in your freezer is a waste of space since they can stay fresh in your pantry for quite some time, plus they’ll turn grainy when frozen.


Freezing fresh tomatoes is a terrible idea because their texture will become mushy, and eating them that way isn’t a pleasurable experience.


Cucumbers act pretty much the same way as tomatoes when frozen, due to their high water content, and they simply won’t taste just as delicious after losing their crunchy texture.


Celery can last for quite some time in your fridge, and putting it inside a freezer won’t do it any favors so it’s best avoided.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, including lettuce and spinach, fall under the category of vegetables with high water content and you’ll only turn them into a soggy mess by freezing them.