5 Delicious Dishes That You Can Make With Grilled Tomatoes

Grilled tomatoes
Image by RitaE from PIxabay

Most people eat their tomatoes raw and call it a day, but you’ll be wowed by how delicious they taste when grilled. In addition to being super-tasty, grilled tomatoes are also incredibly versatile, and here are some of the best dishes you can use them in.


Tomatoes are one of the most common bruschetta toppings and they don’t always have to be raw. Try topping this popular appetizer with grilled tomatoes instead because it will look and taste just as good.

Caprese Salad

Caprese salad is usually made with raw tomatoes, but grilled ones can take it to the next level by giving it a smoky flavor and softer texture.

Tomato Sandwich

The sky’s the limit when it comes to the ingredients you’re going to use in your sandwiches. You can never go wrong with grilled tomatoes, especially if you mix them with some pesto and other grilled veggies.

Marinara Sauce

Why make marinara sauce with canned or roasted tomatoes, when grilled ones are a much better option? Mix them up with Italian seasoning, tomato paste, garlic, onions, and you’ll be wowed by the final result.

Tomato Soup

There’s something simply irresistible about a warm bowl of creamy tomato soup, and you can make its taste even more amazing by using grilled tomatoes.