3 Vegan Ideas To Start Your Day

Vegan meals
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

The first meal of the day is crucial for high energy and performance levels throughout the day. It’s just one of those things you can’t skip. However, when you’re a vegan, it can be hard to find meals that suit you. Here are our top three vegan ideas to start your day!

Scramble Your Tofu

Tofu scrambling has never been this easy. It’s a great way to start your day with a dish filled with nutrients, protein, and with the correct seasoning, you’ll get something very similar to scrambled eggs. You can play around and add mushrooms, onion, garlic, herbs, and more, to make your scramble perfect for you!

Shake It Up

Sometimes all you need is a blender. You can come up with any combination of ingredients that is suited just for you. Toss in blueberries, bananas, apples, whatever you love to make yourself a great shake to start your day. The possibilities are endless.

When In Doubt, Make Pancakes

You can never go wrong with pancakes. We prefer our pancakes covered in syrup, but you can put chocolate syrup, blueberries, or even vegan butter. It’s simple too! Just add flour, baking powder, sugar, vanilla extract, and finally water. Mix it all, and you got yourself a vegan pancake batter. You will not be disappointed.