3 Tips and Tricks for Cooking Dried Chickpeas to Perfection

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Chickpeas can taste delicious both on their own and when added to other dishes, such as soups and salads—as long as you prepare them properly. If you’ve tried cooking dried chickpeas, but they didn’t turn out the way you wanted to, here are three tips that will help you make them better.

Chickpeas Choice

The type of chickpeas you chose makes all the difference, and the fresher they are the better. Chickpeas have a relatively long shelf life, but they won’t be as tasty after some time. Fresh chickpeas will be soft and tender and they’re always the best possible option.

Soaking Time!

It’s always a good idea to soak your chickpeas before cooking them. In addition to reducing overall cooking time, soaking can improve their texture and prevent breakage. Soak them overnight with a few pinches of salt, and don’t forget to drain and rinse them under cold water before cooking them.

Flavor Boost

If you’re looking for a way to enhance the flavor of your chickpeas, try seasoning them with some fresh herbs. Add some rosemary or thyme to your cooking water, and you’ll be wowed by how delicious your chickpeas taste. Diced garlic cloves, olive oil, and lemon juice are also popular seasonings for this dish.