3 Things to Keep in Mind When Making Avocado Dressing

Avocado dressing
Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

If you’re a huge fan of experimenting with all sorts of different salad dressings, it’s time to give avocado dressing a shot. Avocado’s creamy texture can really take your salad dressing to the next level, and here are three things you should keep in mind before adding it to the mix.

Vegan Twist

The great thing about avocados is that they can serve as a plant-based alternative to other creamy dressing ingredients, such as eggs, mayo, and sour cream. If your dressing calls for these ingredients, try replacing them with avocado when possible and you’ll be impressed by the result.

Avocado Choice

It’s extremely important to use ripe avocados when making salad dressings because they won’t break down properly otherwise. It’s highly recommended to use a blender to make your dressing extra-smooth and add some lemon juice to the mix to balance out avocado’s creamy texture.

Different Uses

Avocado dressing can be paired with all sorts of different salads, but you shouldn’t stop there. Avocado-based dressings are worth making because they’re incredibly versatile, and you can use them to top your sandwiches and tacos or serve it as a dip with hot wings or tortilla chips.