3 Things to Keep in Mind Before Eating Frozen Pizza

Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

It’s no secret that pizza isn’t one of the healthiest food options on the market, despite being as delicious as it gets. Eating frozen pizza is somehow even worse than consuming other types of this Italian dish and here are three things you should keep in mind before adding it to your menu.

Unhealthy Properties

Frozen pizza is best avoided because it comes with a long list of unhealthy properties. It’s packed with sodium, fats, and calories—even more so than store-bought and especially homemade pizza—and it’s one of the worst ultra-processed foods on the market.

Better Options

If you insist on buying frozen pizza every once in a while, at least make sure you’re buying the right type. Always remember to check the label and go for a frozen pizza that’s low in sodium and fat, if you manage to find one.

Healthy Twist

Another way to put a healthy twist on your frozen pizza is to buy a basic variety, such as Margherita, and add your own toppings. You should also consider limiting your portions and serving veggies on the side to up your fiber intake. Even when you do all of this, preparing homemade pizza where you’re in control of the ingredients is still a healthier option.