3 Reasons Why You Should Never Throw Mushroom Stems Away

Mushroom stems
Photo by Christine Siracusa on Unsplash

There are a lot of dilemmas surrounding the perfect way to cook mushrooms, and one of the biggest puts their stems front and center. Some people swear by throwing them away, but here are three reasons why you should always keep your stems and try to put them to some good use.

Avoiding Food Waste

Depending on the size and variety of your mushrooms, stems can take up to 50% of their mess. A lot of people throw them away because they think they’re bad, but you’re creating unnecessary waste in your kitchen and potently reducing your nutritious intake by doing so.

100% Edible

With the most popular types of edible mushrooms, stems can be eaten without a single worry in the world. Crimini, portobello, white and brown mushrooms all come with edible stems, and the same goes with shiitake mushrooms, even though their stems may seem tough and woody.

Incredibly Versatile

In addition to being incredibly nutritious, mushroom stems shouldn’t be thrown away because there are many different ways to prepare them. From keeping them as a part of your mushrooms to using them in soups, stir-fries, sandwiches, and omelets on their own, mushroom stems offer a lot of versatility in the kitchen.