3 Incredible Benefits of Homemade Pasta That Never Crossed Your Mind

Photo by Rebeca G. Sendroiu on Unsplash

Making pasta from scratch isn’t easy and its lifespan is pretty limited, but some people still swear by it—and it’s not difficult to see why. Homemade pasta comes with many benefits that will make you forget all about dried pasta, and here are three reasons why you should give it a try.

Fresher Taste

Dried pasta can taste delicious, but it pales in comparison to homemade pasta. Nothing beats a warm bowl of fresh pasta that you made on your own because it will be fresher and lighter than all the alternatives, especially if you pair it with a delicious homemade sauce.

Shorter Cooking Time

We won’t sugarcoat it—making fresh pasta takes time, but it pays off in the long run. In addition to being fresher than dried pasta, homemade pasta doesn’t take long to soften up and you can cook it in a blink of an eye. Keep a close eye on it so you wouldn’t overcook it because it will be done in no time.

Healthier Ingredients

Homemade pasta can be much healthier than store-bought varieties because you’re in control of the ingredients that you’re using. Look for healthier flours, try to look for egg-free recipes, and consider making veggie pasta to put a healthy twist on it.