3 Common Mistakes People Make With Berries

Berry tips
Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

The berry season is here and we can’t decide which fruit is our favorite! Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and others—they’re all delicious and come in vibrant colors that are impossible to ignore. You can make many mistakes with berries, so here are the most common ones to avoid so you can get the most out of the season.

Wrong Wash Time

Some berries, like blackberries and strawberries, will stay fresh the longest if you wash them as soon as you get the chance. It’s important to dry them thoroughly after. Those that are more delicate, like raspberries, are best when washed before eating.

Refrigerator Shelf

If your fridge has a crisper drawer, that’s where you should put your berries to help them last longer. This area of the fridge keeps the produce fresh so you can get a few extra days out of them. Keep the humidity low as the high humidity setting is for vegetables.

Not Using the Best Berries for Baking

For the best baking results, use the best quality ingredients, including perfectly ripe berries. Don’t think you can hide under or overripe fruits in the cake and get away with it. Use only the best and enjoy the result.